Date: 29th August 1992
Event: Vision
Venue: Popham Airfield
City: Winchester
Country: England
Extra info:
From Martin Roach’s book “Electronic Punks”:
The XL Vision show was a multi-marquee spectacular for 35 000 people intended as a showcase for the harcore dance acts on that label. Unfortunately the event was struck by intimidatingly adverse weather conditions, with constant torrential rain and oppressive tactics by the local establishment who announced on radio that the event had been cancelled. Despite a few of the attractions advertised never materialising, such as The Roman Temple dance arena, there was still a fascinating variety on offer, including fun fair rides, an ambient tent and a Virtual Reality display, all centred around the main stage, which was a mock-Blade Runner affair. The Prodigy were held up outside the venue for two hours by over-zealous security guards and when they finally got on stage it was past 6am. However, the show was well-recived, and Keith’s antics in the auditorium mud bath proved that, if nothing else, the band were determined to have a good time. The show was an important indication that they were still highly respected within their scene, and that the accusations and recriminations of their detractors concerning their widespread commercial successs were not actually given much time by the people closely involved with the underground itself.
TranceDance cassette advert:
VIP pass:
Review from Melody Maker, 12th September 1992:
Photos by Ian James:
(original gallery:
Photos from the show:
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