1998.06.26 – The Tabernacle, Atlanta, USA

Date: 26th June 1998
Event: The Prodigy Concert – The Fat Of The Land Tour
Venue: The Tabernacle
City: Atlanta, GA
Country: USA
Support: DJ Punk Rock, Meat Beat Manifesto


Extra info:
Review by Tyson Meade:
“Smack My Bitch Up”! Any questions? Okay, so maybe it was like a Sabbath concert. However, here, members leave and reappear on the stage like extras in some demented Flashdance, and the main character looks like the Candyman (horror film, darling). I was wondering when the balcony floor would buckle and give way in this house of the lord, because it, along with the bar, was shaking like Jello, and the audience was the fruit (oh, yeah, the Prod’s were playing in an old Baptist church replete with stained glass, makes me wonder how Linda Blair felt).
I think I failed to mention how the kids loved it and would have died for their heroes. But these boys are where it’s at. They’re an adolescent raver’s Public Enemy. I would give them a PG. When I was walking up (way before the over-indulgence of overpriced beer), I talked to some mommies who dropped their johnnies off for the concert. And man, these johnnies had the good old fashioned hard bodies. I think I saw some eggs frying on these bodies. Smack my bitch up, indeed.
I missed Meat Beat Manifesto, and I wasn’t that upset, because I wanted to see the $30-a-head-main-man show. Did I mention the lights and all of the spectacle of that like vintage ELP? I mean, I was thinking this was Brain Salad Surgery Mach II, but it wasn’t. “Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends… ” We had the dancey-dance kings with the appearing, disappearing, reappearing members and the lights again were resplendent. I envisioned Anne Rice sticking Lestat there sucking out the blood of the meatheads and frat boys. Smack my bitch up? Frat my bitch up…

This poster involves a lot of layering. This is a good example why an artist should print his or her own art rather than some print who does not know its vision.
Artist: Alleb Jaeger
Poster size: 13 X 28 in.
Limited to 300.



Photos from the show:

3 comments to 1998.06.26 – The Tabernacle, Atlanta, USA

  • Velvet Staccato

    OMG! I love the internet! I was at this show with my then boyfriend, now ex husband. I remember thinking the rafters were going to bow and we’d all die in a big old sweaty danced out happy mess. I tell people all the time what an epic show this was; indescribably epic. Thank you so much for writing this. I hate that it too this long to find it but extremely delighted I did. RIP, Keith Flint!

  • This has been the most epic concert in my life. Seen them here in 1998 andn2004 in Coachella, and now it’s 2023..
    I never rolled so hard in my life
    .. it was magical and life changing. RIP keith
    Had tickets to see them at the Tabernacle just months before Keith died. Sucks..

  • JayyVee

    There with my best bro 4 days after my bday. We were and are longtime fans – this was ‘the’ Show to be at and to remember! We were down in the ‘moshy pit’ area most of the show – lost our shirts at some point after a water break. The Prodigy were an Experience like none other!

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